1. when you print a page it wont let shift of the paper when the print have finished ( not paper size, i've tried different settings for this)
2. after the above have happened i gain the error message print cartridge cannot move ( start on the flap and there it is moving for me to cash it )
it's driving me insane at the moment any ideas would be appreciated
Hp psc 1215 adjectives contained by one printer problem?
I think the problem lies next to your printers sensor. If you can open your printer (I plan open the full casing etc) you;ll see there's a strip roughly speaking a quarter inch wide and almost 90 inches long at the back of the tape cradle. This strip which has hugely fine lines is the guide for the x-axis (or horizontal movement of the head). Another is a circular plastic film more or less 2 inches in diameter at the gone side of the printer just beside the videotape cradle when its parked. You'll also see that there's very fine lines at the creep of this circular plastic. This is for the y-axis or vertical movement of the paper. You'll interest that these two run through a sensor. These sensor are probably what's causing you problems. see if there's anything inside or if the strips enjoy any ink dirt on them.
I usually use contact cleaner to clean them.
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